Object centered in the scene

A topic for this request already exists Alignment things in the gdevelop editor.

  • Why you are requesting it: Explain your use case -This is the most important part of the message!- I think this is more practical than centring objects with code. I divide objects and combine them in the game engine. If this feature comes, I will be able to centre objects in the game more quickly.
  • Supporting evidence: Example game engine video.
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Hello ayhangazi38,
Thank you for your topic request and for adding this video evidence. We really appreciate it.
However, as explained on ⭐ Welcome to the User Feedback channel!, we ask people to add their input and their vote to topics that already exist (if that’s the case).
For instance alignment in the scene without code, a topic already exists Alignment things in the gdevelop editor. So, I will close this topic to prevent duplication.

Future readers: please refer and go to Alignment things in the gdevelop editor to vote and discuss this request.
Thank you.