[Open for discussion] A few improvement ideas for open source contributors

Note: this topic isn’t processed as a feature request by the core team (as explained on ⭐ Welcome to the User Feedback channel! we kindly request one feature per topic). However, it will remain open for discussion between GDevelop users and Open Source contributors to identify and define the scope of their desired features.

Over the last 6 years I have reported many bugs, features, design, extensions and usability things, created mockups, etc. in various ways. Some of them have been implemented👍
I listed most of them here (slightly outdated) https://jackii.itch.io/gdevelop-feature-requests-bug-reports

But I have so many more ideas, most of them are very useful for all users and not difficult to implement.
Of course contributors can do what they want, but maybe we can find out what useful improvements for GD are and bring more focus to it.

Sometimes I’m not sure if it’s just my personal preference or if there’s a lot of interest in the community. It feels bad to spam 30 github issues without discussing it with you guys. And I don’t want to put to much work in it if it’s not welcome.

Especially away from the big things like support for other programming languages, native export, tilemap and spritesheet editors. Things like this:

#1 Option to set a default scene-background, comment and event-group color in Preferences
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#2 Options for text-align, padding, border-radius, and maxlength to the Text input Object. Remove the “Cursor is on an object” condition for the Text input Object. It can’t work
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#3 An “Inline” Object Effect
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#4 Calculate values in instance properties fields (like photoshop, blender,…)
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#5 An optional Z-order field in the Create an object action
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#6 Higher or responsive expression dropdown menu. It is obviously too small and scrolling skips entries
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#7 Flip horizontally/vertically in the instance properties
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#8 Remember the folded/unfolded state for Behaviours, Project manager categories and maybe object-folders
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#9 “current scene name” condition. There is an expression but that requires an extra action and variable
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#10 Show the zoom level in the scene editor, with a click on it it jumps to 100%
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#11 The ability to continue creating variable-expressions and the variables themselves with the expression editor
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#12 The ability to pass a boolean status between boolean type scene and global variables
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#13 Dropdown selection for “Platform type” action instead of typing the words completely manually
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#14 Open a scene automatically if it was closed by renaming
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#15 A button to create an event-group, as exists for comments
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#16 When creating a new variable, the default name should be selected so we do not always have to delete “Variable” before entering our name
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#17 “Get a field of a document”(firestore) action result store also in global not only scene variables
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#18 Option to not offer the fullscreen button on gd.games (like itch io)
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#19 Allow to sort the games on our gd.games profile (like itch io)
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#20 Prevent mouse scrolling and ALT key interaction on the browser when a game is active, otherwise it cannot be used in the game if it is not fullscreen
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#21 Bring back the buttons for the boolean-variable action. The new one is harder to read/click and doesn’t fit the condition
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#22 “Current time” action improvements - An option to also output the day and month as text. - I know where it comes from, but the month shouldn’t start at 0 and the year shouldn’t start at 1900. So that countless users don’t have to fix it manually with events. I think it is possible to not affect existing projects. - The description should be behind each entry and not in a very small, overlapping text block
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#23 Some text fields are much too large for the content they can have. Even after years it still looks confusing and wrong. We often have to scroll and search even though it isn’t necessary. And it doesn’t fit the new compact properties panel. Put 2-3 fields in a line if the context makes sense, like in project properties, text input object, etc.
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#24 Improve opening a second instance of GD. The start takes a long time and default preferences are loaded (lang, theme, autoupdate,…)
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#25 Opening a project via the menu or start page button, starts in the last used asset folder path instead of last game folder or GD games folder. The same existed the other way, but was fixed some time ago.
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#26 A declared scene/global variable shows an error and does not work when used as an expression and object with the same name exists. The same if an object has an object-variable with a name as itself.
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#27 Add a separator between scene and global objects when creating an event. It’s hard to find the recent scene object if it’s somewhere in the middle. Ideally as it exists for groups.
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#28 A few Firebase things. -1 The description of the field existence action is incorrect. It returns “false/true” instead of 1/2. For the document equivalent it is correct. -2 The query filter actions have different texts in the eventsheet, although the difference is only value/text. -3 Write a field action Merge should be default “Yes”. Because it is needed more often and it is less of a problem if you forget it. “No” deletes the entire document content. In my opinion, “(store result state in” should be replaced by “State:”, it is unnecessary and often results in the action requiring two lines. 28a 28b
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#29 The buttons in the object animations should be moved one line up. This gives 56px more space and the frames are closer to their name than to the next animation
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#30 A preference option to specify what the Preview button does. In some cases it is much more useful than the nested context menu. If I am doing a multiplayer, 2 windows as default would be very helpful. The best option for me is completely missing: Start a new preview, but in the same window(or close all open ones before), so that I don’t have to close the existing one manually eeevery time.
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Just a heads up, for number 9 you don’t need a variable or action. Use the compare two strings condition, put the current scene name expression on the left side, then you can write the scene name to check against on the right side.

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I asked for number 1 some months ago…it seems Luni took it into consideration
about number 5. (as i asked it too).
I would put it in the object properties in scene map editor as fixed z order field
I suggested it, beacouse that way you can drag and drop on the map and have the fixed z order without the needs to do any clicks. (like eg putting trees in the background,or build your platform, collisions ecc…)

In editor we already have an action to do it…have an option even at creation would be fine anyway

just more : make it editable in instances list and maybe with autosorter by z order.
I would put even a fast delete instance there

…(i was thinking… i’m at lower ver. :pray:…GL…with your requests…)

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#9 closed because not necessary with the “Compare two strings” action. Thanks Silver-Streak

#24 - #27 added

My 5 cents: insert the search box in the debug screen.


When i type “Player”

Thank you for taking the time to list features as for encouraging GDevelop users to discuss them for implementation.

As explained on ⭐ Welcome to the User Feedback channel!, the Core Team kindly asks users to keep one request per topic because it is easier to classify, tag and discuss a single feature per “feed”. This method is what help us follow the feature conversations and spot future app updates.

However, as I understand this topic is was made for open source collaborators to pick and chose a feature that they’d like to implement based on the votes.
So, I will not close nor archive it since Jack has a point and having tons of GitHub issues might not be ideal. Nevertheless, since this topic cannot be tagged (since its discussing different scopes and features), it will not be acknowledge as a feature request by the Core Team (you are always free to create a new topic for the features that you think are important).

Thank you for your cooperation!

Some really great points in here, particularly #17 is something I’m stuck with right now!

#13 done in 5.4.205. Thanks tristanbob
#26 done in 5.4.205. Thanks D8H

#28 - #30 added

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