Reply to feedback left on the gdevelop site

I received feedback regarding a game that I made, “Sockeye Fishing”. I would love to respond but don’t know how or where to leave a response.

Hi AnnieLWatts!

Seafort has just left a new comment on your game Sockeye Fishing.

“I don’t know what I am supposed to be doing. Clicking the fish? Should I be able to move?”

Response: every third time that I play the game, the mouse movement is not detected. Don’t know if it is my programming or a glitch in the gdevelop app??

Sometimes this code does not work???

I am still getting great feedback on my games, but still don’t know how to respond to them? I want to thank them for their interest in my games.

ie: It is simply incredible to see such a good 3D game on this page, I loved the sounds, the textures and the menu so much. Speaking of the textures, I think they can be improved and if you continue like this you will make a great game. Greetings from the MGC team and encouragement!!!

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I think maybe it’s a feature still isn’t there? I never tried to respond some feedback and even on emails i can only see them so at first try i don’t see a way to respond to feedback, but you can suggest it in Feature request