Smoothing between objects creates more colors

I am participating in a game jam that one of the limitation are only having four colors on the screen at once. The problem is that in Gdevelop 3d it smooths the edges of an object. causing more colors.

That image should show the issue. The wall and floor themselves are 4 colors, but the transition between the two is smoothed. Also the place where the floor ends and goes to the background color very obviously is mixing the colors of the floor with the background. This is very difficult of me to figure out on my own because I have no clue what I would search up to figure this out. Currently my only solution I could think of is to make the color between objects the same so then it cant smooth the color since it’s the same color.

Turn off antialiasing in project settings.

You can also user layer effects to reduce/palettize any kind of render, so you aren’t forced to make assets that way.

This alone is not enough.
You also have to go to the resources section and uncheck the “smooth” option on each image. If the images are too many and you find it difficult, there is a trick mentioned by Slash to do it all at once. Remember to save a backup before doing so, just in case.

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His textures show no sign of filtering, so there should be nothing to uncheck.

Yea insmoothing the image is not the problem, they are already not smooth

I don’t believe there is a fix so I’ve moved on to doing a different idea for the game jam

Oh, sorry. I don’t know how to solve it then.

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There is an effect that can be applied to a whole scene; Color Map
It replaces all the colors on the screen with selected colors. Should work for this.

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Turning off antialiasing didn’t help? Keep in mind you have to set Scale Mode as well as Antialiasing for 3d

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The color map does nothing to a 3d scene

I don’t understand how to either of those, I have disabled antialiasing and I have no clue what scaling mode means.

They are options found in Game Properties. Scale mode should be Linear and AA for 3d should be Never

Yes that is already on Nearest

Change your texture to a non-power-of-two to avoid the use of mipmaps.

Power-of-two dimensions: 32,64,128,256, 512px, etc. Add a bit of a border to avoid these sizes.

This doesn’t seem like a good solution… first of all how would this prevent blending of pixels? And second… it’s just the wrong way to go about things. Adding a pointless border to all of your assets makes working with the assets so much more difficult, only to work around something that you should be able to accomplish directly.

Please do your research before misinforming people. This is something you do not understand.

I said it doesn’t SEEM like a good solution, admitted that I don’t know how it would affect aa, and challenged only the workflow issue that I see (any texture size should be OK in a sane work environment)

I did some searching around and failed to find an answer to this. Mipmap is not mentioned in the documentation. So if you could provide some explanation or at least a link to follow, it would be a lot more helpful than just telling me I suck

Magicsofa, if you are going to be sensitive about being called wrong I suggest you stop calling other people wrong. Especially when you are wrong :wink:

Mipmaps generate for textures that are power of two. Mipmaps supersample, thus creating additional colors.

LEFT: mipmapped RIGHT: not


man he just wants to help :sob:

I didn’t say you were wrong, lol. And I guess you’re reading anger into my posts? Challenging an idea isn’t a sign of anger. Saying “this is a bad way to do things” is not the same as “you are wrong.” You could be right AND that right answer is a bad way to do things, welcome to the real world!

This doesn’t explain anything more than we already know. You already told us WHAT happens. I want to know why, and if there are other options, and if this is specific to GD or threeJS or what.