Hi all, firstly I apologize if this has been answered already.
Is there a way to disable animations of the GDevelop editor?
The “Variable” text moving upwards when clicking it in an event/condition, the grey line turning into a purple line from the center, the fill-in circle effect when clicking the Preview button, the Project Manager sliding in from the left. etc.
I understand animations are a great visual feedback when something is pressed, but animations are very tiring to watch for me (sensory issue?). I also have a “potato” laptop, so I often have to watch the animation(s) play out before able to do anything else.
Have you tried setting your system settings to preferring reduced motion? Browsers should automatically reduce some of those animations & tell websites (including web apps like GDevelop) about your preference if you do.
According to MDN, here are the settings that browsers look for:
Hi Arthuro, I use Windows 10 and have turned off animations for a while now, although I turned it off through the left window’s checkboxes. Going to that settings shows it was turned off already.
I should note that this is a modified Windows 10 called Atlas, but I do have a normal install of Windows 10 and will tell if results differ on that. (spoilers: Project Manager still slides into view, but atleast the parameter editor doesn’t animate anymore. It’s a step forward)
@infokubarcade thanks for the suggestion! If trying it on regular Windows 10 doesn’t work I’ll try to do that.
As arthuro has provided a semi-working answer, I’ll just mark the topic as [SOLVED].
Yes, the problem is still there, so I made a Feature Request topic: