[SOLVED] Thumbnail not showing even after trying suggested fix from another thread

Hey guys, I ran into a problem of the Thumbnail file not showing on the GDevelop website for my new game.

There already were two threads from the same person (Thumbnail set not working and [Solved] No Thumbnail image is n gd.games). Even though the guy was pretty impatient, some people tried to help them fix it; but the suggestions there did not fix the issue for me. I changed the name of the file to “thumbnail.png”, it is in the suggested resolution of 1920x1080, I deleted old files from the Resources tab, I created new builds and republished many times,… To no success so far, which is why I am reaching out for help.

Here are two screenshots showing what it looks like as of now:

The link to my profile, where you see that there is no thumbnail: Languste | GDevelop game creator

The direct link to my current build in case it is useful: https://gd.games/instant-builds/1eb3606d-2e15-42fe-bf3f-978ab501dcb3 (if you are reading this post at a later time, this link might not work anymore)

Thanks for your help!:slight_smile:
~ Languste

Something that might be worth mentioning (cause it could very well be related): I created every single file for the differently sized icons manually and uploaded them one by one. Using the (seemingly very handy, if it worked for me!) button “Generate icons from a file” did not work. It always said that it failed to generate icons.

Hi there,
This is just a hunch, but you might try using a different image editor to save your .png, like MS Paint.
I have trouble copying images from the internet into MS Word sometimes. In those cases, I have to paste an image into mspaint, copy it, and then paste it into Word.

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Thank you for the possible fix, I saved it with Gimp and didn’t consider this as a potential cause. But I tried it, and nothing changed, unfortunately.

I made it work!!! :smiley: Here it is showing up, finally: Languste | GDevelop game creator

I spent another 30 minutes just randomly trying out different ways of uploading a thumbnail. I am not entirely sure why it worked now. I think what might have made it work is that I published it immediately after creating the gd.games link from the same window – rather than accessing the menu (supposedly the same menu) for publishing afterwards. It is probably a bug, in case the developers wanna look into it. For my part, I definitely will not touch the thumbnail anymore now that it is showing up properly :stuck_out_tongue:

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