Time - Gradual Light Night Effect


So I’ve done the following in the image below. I think I’m on the right track but I’m not sure hence I’m asking for your help.

(I have just double checked and even adding a 1 into that action beside the condition (If timer is greater than 10 seconds) does not actually increase the opacity of the layer from 0 to 1)

As you can probably tell, I’m a bit confused with this. I have asked for help but it has been a hectic couple of days for me with massive caffeine consumptions and 2 days of trying to understand and create this gradual clock effect.

I apologize if I’ve caused any frustration. All I need help with is simplifying what I must do to cause a gradual effect of the Light Night effect after nearly 800 seconds of the game starting. :slight_smile:

The opacity wording seems a bit misleading. It just darkens the colours of the objects on the layer to what they would appear in the evening or at night. Is this what you expected it to happen, or are you after something a little different?

Yeah, basically.

As I’m creating a top down game, I kind of want the whole scene to gradually dim over a period of 60 seconds. So I guess you could say all objects in the scene need to be dimmed, I think.

I’ve run it against one of my layers, and it makes the colours a bit darker, but not a huge amount. Have you looked at the Dark Night effect? It makes the objects a lot darker.

An alternative is to cover the scene with a layer than just has a black sprite covering it, and change the opacity of that.

Also, you could use a second timer (call it dimmer?), and kick that off once you get to the 800 second mark. Use that in conjunction with a variable that keeps track of the opacity setting, increasing it by 1/60 for every second of the dimmer timer.

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If 60 seconds, change the opacity to + somenum
Edit: I didn’t read the first post

At the beginning of the scene variable opacity = 0,
60 sec then change the variable opacity to + somenum

Change the parameter ‘opacity’ to variable opacity

I think opacity is counted as 255 max num, so adding 1 means 1/255 * 100 which is 0.39215686274 so adding just one will not be noticeable.

Also, I have read some color theory and maybe changing the hue towards blue might give some realistic night effect in the field of darkening.

So, I’ve done the following:

What do I do next?

I tried setting it to 255 and still nothing.

Thanks MrMen. I’ll see if Mixen’s theory is right then if not, I’ll try yours. :slight_smile:

Its not like this. But instead
write Variable(opacity) in where I pointed and here
write the name of your effect

and also include an action called:
Change the scene variable opacity + 10
and add a Trigger Once.

Edit: Its not like this

but actually this

The name of your option

So that means, there, you need to write whose value you want to change.

Like this:

No. That is no correct. Please don’t answer posts with guesses. The opacity of Light Night (a layer effect) is on a scale of 0-1. It is not the same as the opacity of a sprite.

Light Night effect does add a blue hue to the colours on the layer.

This did not work sadly.

No, Opacity is a value between 0 and 1.

I’m using Dark Night

Why? Just make it 0.1. Why the extra math?

So how would I do the dimmer thing?

Maybe it’s something to do with the clock and the other events I have. Here, I’ll show you it all:

Add 0.1 (20 chararcter)

I apologize if I’ve caused any frustration. All I need help with is simplifying what I must do to cause a gradual effect of the Light Night effect after nearly 800 seconds of the game starting. :slight_smile:

Apologies @MrMen, I missed this one

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Is the NewObject transparent? What color does it have? And also why are you using TimeBackAndForth or is it Repeat every X second?

I’ve removed the entire events. It was too confusing.

Now I need to figure out how to make a clock that will work with the gradual effect.