Time - Gradual Light Night Effect


Needed to take a break. 3 days and still trying to figure out why I can’t work the timer despite following your guys advice.

Here are the following snippets of events and scene of the game.

It works :smiley:

Your clock doesn’t work on mine though :confused:

Oh good god I figured out how to do the gradual effect in the simplest way.

Now it’s just getting the clock to work alongside it.

Here is a picture of my single event.

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Is the DarkNight effect on the base layer, or in the layer named Night? At the moment, the events are updating the base layer (layer = “”). The effect should be on the same layer as the objects you want to darken, and that is the layer name you use when you set the opacity.

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Thanks for your help.

With the above image I showed, I’ve managed to get the gradual effect to work in the simplest way. Now I just have to make a clock, somehow.

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