What's your score on Wordle?

Yes, that’s interesting. I wonder if that means for non native english speakers that currently distinct accents and pronunciation will morph into some kind of single sound.

Apart from a lonely three, I’ve been sitting on fours. Will post the older ones as scoredles rather than wordles.

Scoredle 492 3/6*

:yellow_square::white_large_square::yellow_square::white_large_square::white_large_square: TRADE (377)
:white_large_square::yellow_square::white_large_square::yellow_square::green_square: BLOAT (8)
:green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square: FAULT

Was pleased I got the pattern right, but missed out on the three because I wanted to use B because it could also have been a double B in the middle, so more value than going with foggy first.
Scoredle 493 4/6*

:white_large_square::white_large_square::white_large_square::white_large_square::white_large_square: TRADE (1,850)
:white_large_square::white_large_square::yellow_square::white_large_square::white_large_square: SHOCK (170)
:white_large_square::green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square: BOGGY (5)
:green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square: FOGGY

Happy to get a four out of this one Scoredle 494 4/6*

:yellow_square::white_large_square::white_large_square::white_large_square::white_large_square: TRADE (600)
:white_large_square::yellow_square::green_square::white_large_square::white_large_square: STOCK (25)
:white_large_square::white_large_square::green_square::yellow_square::white_large_square: BOOTH (7)
:green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square: FLOUT

Another missed three, the answer was the other choice I liked

Wordle 495 4/6


My parents had a habit of doing that. They came off a flight here in NZ, got in their car and drove to the toll booth. My father had been chatting to my mother in Dutch, then turned and when he spoke to the guy in the booth wondered why he had a blank expression. It took him a few goes to realise he’d been speaking Dutch. And now at get togethers, it’s not uncommon for him to slip from one language to another. That fine for me and my siblings, but not that great for our spouses.

I wonder if he’ll regress as he gets older and more senile. I feel sorry for the nurses already :smiley:

And my latest Wordle…

Wordle 494 3/6*


Wordle 496 4/6


Had a lot of trouble with this one

Wordle 497 5/6


Eek, it’s tomorrow already. I got Wordle 497 in 4, but it took me a bit of time too. And the web site updates at midnight, so I’ve lost my guesses…

I’m heads down into the GDevelop game jam. Will try Wordle 498 later on.

I did my Sunday wordle at 2pm and yesterday’s wordle was still there. This usually happens and I just refresh the page although sometimes, but rarely it’s already refreshed.

Good luck with the game jam MrMen, the theme wasn’t narrow enough to engage my interest and I would only have Sunday to work on it anyway.

This one was a doozy and not helped by me stuffing up in guess four by putting my yellow letter in the same place, but I did get a new yellow letter out of it.

Wordle 498 5/6


Wordle 499 4/6


Wordle 500 6/6


I’m out. For a word puzzle that has its words curated by NYT, the Wordle 500 answer is not acceptable to me. I did the check the word in another browser thing because the only word I could think of didn’t seem legitimate enough. But it was indeed the answer.

Hahaha that will probably sound very funny, and I think this truly is a possibility, because English has already taken over many of our words. During covid, everyone was talking about “social distancing” instead of “sociaal afstand houden” which is kind of weird for people that don’t speak English all that well. I imagine we will all communicate in monotone soundwaves in the future. Consisting of nose bleeps and tongue clicks.

I would have loved to see that blank expression when a random person speaks some kind of swamp language that sounds like total nonsense. I wish I could be this oblivious, although I do it on purpose sometimes on vacation to indicate that I don’t speak their language.

Wordle 500 5/6*


I know what you mean, these words are getting ridiculous. Thankfully I puzzled my way out of it in time.

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Finally got another 3, had to share it. It’s one of those words that many people use as a starter.

Wordle 502 3/6*


:cry: And then there were 2…

Yay! I got a Wordle in 3 today too :

Wordle 504 3/6*


Was I a three hog? They’re getting shared around more now.

(Karma can’t hurt me now)

Nice job! I got another one :nerd_face:

Wordle 507 3/6*


You were :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: You hogged all those 3s from under our noses.

Karma can’t get you anymore because she defeated you. Your towel has been thrown.
I must say she had some nasty blows below the belt before you went down :muscle: :crazy_face:

This might fit in perfectly.

Hahahaha ES, you got me. Although I like to think that it was the name of the song that inspired you to link it. That’s the way I’m taking it anyway.

And haha, yes indeed, I did throw in the towel (nice work with your idioms), just ran away and let piney beat me haha.

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Haha, yeah it was the name of the song. But always nice to RR someone in the meantime.

I do miss your shenanigans. Too bad you quit :smiling_face_with_tear:

I was waiting for a better score to share, but I don’t have any yet. So I’ll share an old one.

Wordle 509 3/6*


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Haha ES, nice work with 509. You know what? I went and found a wordle archive so I could also do 509. Ya beat me though. I didn’t look at your guesses but I am now. Hmmmm, you didn’t use crane. Can’t remember what other starter words you’ve used.

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Yeah, I’ve been getting a fair few 3s & 4s. Had another DNF, and also managed to fluke a 2 a few days ago. My latest is one I was quite pleased about, getting the answer from 3 yellows :

Wordle 517 3/6*


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Hmmm, when I was doing that Exist wordle it seemed familiar Turns out that archive has the numbers wrong and I have actually done Exist before which was Wordle 486 and got it in three back then. So ES, what I thought was a 509 comparison was not.

These are the kind of shenanigans that I like! Didn’t know there was a way to play old wordles, this can be very handy.

I haven’t played in a while because life got busy, sorry for not taking time to answer.

My answer is a bit late, but still a very nice score!

My score is nothing special, but still proud of it after all this time.

Wordle 552 4/6*


I also wanna wish you guys a merry christmas :christmas_tree: and a happy new year. Have fun these days! :fireworks: :firecracker:

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ES, here’s me talking about the Wordle archive back in February (before you existed). Then when I went to do your 509 there, it had a notice saying they had been asked to shut down by Nyt. So I guess any accurate archive that exists these days doesn’t last long. Hence that recent one having the numbers wrong.

Went to do 552 but it was yesterday for me so turned my clock back. Wow, what a tricky one. I had already incorrectly dismissed the actual answer first two letters as no way. And tried so hard to get it in three. Very well done to you ES, nice turnaround from guess three.

Wordle 552 4/6


Have fun, tulips.

:kiwi_fruit: :kangaroo: :tulip:
:green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square:

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:baby: I widn’t wow I was just a wew wonths wold :baby_bottle: :crazy_face:

Always gotta love the company’s that dig their own grave. Just like Rockstar suing modders.

It indeed was a tricky one, you still had it in 4 though. Nice job! I had a eureka moment when I had my yellows and a green letter.

This was a word I didn’t even know, but my puzzle skills prevailed.

Wordle 553 4/6*


Hahaha nice! :laughing:

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MrMen, your fame is spreading. Why can`t my character jump from one platform to the other?