What's your score on Wordle?

Nope :slightly_smiling_face:
Guess 1, you have a yellow in 5th position
Guess 2, you have a yellow in 5th position

So either you did the same letter in the same position instead of testing a new position for your yellow letter.
Or you didnā€™t use your first yellow in your second guess. Which as previously mentioned, can be a strategy, but Iā€™ll assume it wasnā€™t.

Yeah I figured it out afterwards, tomorrow will be better :stuck_out_tongue:

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Niceeee!! I hope your scream sounded like this.

My score is not that good.

Wordle 333 5/6*


Not too shabby I hope :slight_smile:

Wordle 334 3/6


Not at all. 3 is a very good result. Unlike 5 :

Wordle 334 5/6*


Not too bad, but a let down after yesterday

Wordle 334 4/6


Haha, no. But Iā€™d never heard of that and then watched a 5 min vid history of that scream.

I love it when I hear it in a random movie. Once you know it, you will recognize it everywhere.

High five :raised_back_of_hand:

Wordle 334 5/6*


Haha, every time I hear or read ā€œHigh fiveā€, this comes to mind :


Anyway, today was another close call :

Wordle 335 6/6*


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Kicked myself after getting it right after a bad guess lol

Wordle 335 4/6


I know that Iā€™ve lost all credibility. This one was really a fail for me. After guess three it was like, here we go. After the fifth guess I had two options left. So I went to another browser and put in one of the options and it was wrong then did the other option and it was right. Then took my unworthy self back to the main browser and put in the correct answer.

Wordle 335 6/6


Yeah, thatā€™s not the best of feelings :frowning:

Iā€™m impressed you have the guts to put that down. Less scrupulous people would have claimed to have finished in an honest 6. Youā€™re still highly thought of, because of your honesty and transparency :smiley:

I just had a look back at todayā€™s Wordle, and realise there were a couple of words that would have fitted in - I managed to pick well.

Itā€™s kind of ironic that a bunch of aspiring game developers almost got stumped on this specific word.

Wordle 335 6/6*


Thank you MrMen, youā€™re very kind. Thereā€™s no way I would have tried to pass it off as a true 6/6. The other option would be to just not post at all but I think if Iā€™m here posting good results, itā€™s not right to hide the bad ones.

Youā€™re right ES, haha, crazy that we all (CW excluded) did badly on this one. The word I tried before the answer was

Relates to wordle 335 answer


I was thinking, yep, thatā€™s a doozy, a great tricky wordle, three of the same letter.

Did much better today.
Wordle 336 3/6


Yeah, snap, but on hard mode :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: . The universe is finally settling?

Wordle 336 3/6*


I couldnā€™t submit my result yesterday as my wife and kids discovered wordle and were able to figure it out in minutes and let slip certain suggestions which made it feel like I was cheating. Lol.

As for todayā€™s, I was certain I had it, and then I didnā€™t haha

Wordle 337 4/6


We have a rule in the house that we can only mention our Wordle score (create a psychological pressure on the kids, harden them up for real life) until weā€™ve all done it.

I kicked off the mind games at home today with a decent start :

Wordle 337 3/6*


Hahaha, never a break from the bubble bursting.

Haha, so cute.

Yeah, welcome to wordle pain, a four in that situation is a good result though.

After the second guess I thought I was in for a bad one so was glad to get out of it in four
Wordle 337 4/6


i want to know that, What is a Good Wordle Score?..

Iā€™d say a 3-4 is considered good. It depends on the day/word, 2 is fantastic, 3-4 is pretty good and about average for this thread, 5 is fair and 6 is a close call (and not that good, but better than the dreaded X).