Hey y’all! I’m working on how to replace and manage animation frames on GDevelop, and I’d like to see how you’re doing it.
Send me a screen capture where you explain how do you replace/ rework/ add/ update and re upload your asset animations (from your local computer with Photoshop, frames from TV Paint, with links for each frame, from Google Drive or OneDrive, etc…).
Because before starting any design solution, I need to see as many use cases as possible! The easy, the weird, the bad, and the ugly. So, if you think that your process is “not ideal”, if opening the “game ressources window” is a pain, etc. that’s exactly the kind of process that I’d like to see.
How to participate?
In an ideal world, I would jump on 1 to 1 video calls with each of you so I can observe, and ask questions, but finding a time that works can be a little tricky. So, this is why I’m trying a “non-moderated” asynchronous approach.
To keep it as methodical as possible, please follow these instructions:
You have to be sure that you can record spoken audio and your screen at the same time. If you don’t have a way to do this yet, I use Chrome’s extension “Bubbles” which doesn’t require any download nor local installation.
Show me where do you store your Assets in general (for one or all your games so far) and explain why you keep them here (do you hate to have stuff in local? are you collaborating with an artist that sends you the assets as a zip? did you buy an asset pack and kept it in local?)
Demonstrate and narrate how do you update, replace or manage your asset animations. Take your time, let me know what you dislike.
Remember that this topic explores How and Why you do it like this. We’re not thinking about any solutions yet (but you’re allowed to say “It would be helpful if I could…”).
Feel free to speak in French, Portuguese or Spanish if you don’t feel comfortable in English.
Mobile experiences (mobile telephone or tablet) are allowed and encouraged to participate too!
Once you’re done, reply to this topic and I’ll contact you so you can share the link of your video with me privately. Of course, when the feature is released, your username will appear on the credits.
Watch you soon!