What is the restitution of the wall object?
Do you have any collision events for wall & cannonball?
Does the cannonball make reducing bouncing movements, or does it become dead still once it’s hit the wall?
Have you tried unchecking Can Sleep in the physics settings? It shouldn’t make any difference, but it’d be good to cross that possibility off.
The wall object has a restitution of 1
I unchecked sleep
it does not become dead still it just starts going along the wall
So instead of bouncing away it starts moving parallel to the wall
I changed shapes to squares and it work a bit better
It sounds like there is a force or gravity being applied to it, but I can’t see the latter being the issue if you have set gravity scale to 0. Check your events to see if there are any other events where a force is applied.
Don’t use square collision for a ball - it’ll behave weirdly when it bounces off other physics objects.
I just searched for impulse and phsics 2.0 and I only use it to create a cannonball and then add an impulse right away. Is impulse the wrong way? As it applies only only once? Or is there a system wide gravity scale to consider?
edit: Adding a circle collider made the bullets slower…
Can you set the cannonballs mask and layer to 1, and the same for the static wall object? Is there a reason why you changed the cannonball layer to 2? The mask and layer are used to determine collisions.
And I guess one other question - do you have any other behaviours attached to the wall or cannonball objects?
I’m ruinning out of ideas on what is causing it. Do you mind sharing your .json file, and I’ll have a look into it? Even if you PM a link to it. I’ll have a quick look at it and see if I can spot what’s going on.
The best way is to put it onto a shared server (like DropBox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive etc) and post the link. You can only post or DM images in this forum.
That depends on when it gets picked up, the developer availability and complexity of the problem.
One thing I hadn’t looked at was if the velocity was an issue, and if faster moving objects means it will work. You could try this yourself - make all the sprites 2-4 times later, zoom the camera out proportionally and increase the forces applied to the cannonballs.