Scene folders (for organizing)

I want to have scene folders in gdevelop:

You know when you are making a game and have a lot of levels (like 10 level scenes) and have around 3 ui screens. With folders you can put the scenes in a folder so you can find the scenes easier. Put the levels in a “level” folder and ui scenes in a “ui” folder. (It’s like the same as the object folders, just for scenes)


This is coming in the next months, maybe weeks if everything goes well.
We’re working on it.


I was making the same post, glad someone thought about this like me, and i am glad we will see this feature in next weeks


Did this end up being added in? I cant seem any option for it

Scene folders is not yet in the app, the overhaul of the project manager will be carried out step by step, the first step of the rvamp having been completed last month.
Actually the teams are finishing another big chunk that didn’t have link with the project manager.