VR Support For Games

why should I

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Because you will gain more downloads and more popularity.

i do not care about downloads and popularity for this extension at the moment

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But you can earn more than money
the happiness of others and yours.

yeah, no, I’d rather obtain money and thus stop being forced to skip multiple meals every week, than give three people mild contentness and get my ass yelled at that the stuff I give for free is too bad or needs to be updated when I explicitly labeled it as an early access to a work in progress

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I absolutely agree with you! You should be paid for what your doing, thank you so much for working on this. When I have a chance ill give you some more money on Kofi.

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Can it be free for me please?

This is getting pretty bizarre at this point. You literally got multiple responses on why not, you really need to move on.

Is this your business?

As a community contributor that tries to keep threads from getting out of hand, and former moderator on the forums, I’m trying to help you from getting into trouble.

If you’d prefer to keep poking a mod on something they already gave you a direct answer to, you’re likely to end up with your access to the forums removed, which is why I was recommending to move on.

Hello All, I was just wondering if there are any updates to the extension. Thank you so much!

Sorry for this, but there’s 2 options(even more), either find a way to get some money to buy it, or find out how to make a V.R game without the extension.

Not what I’m aware of, but I really hope there’s some soon!

Get Ready to Dive into VR Development! 🌟 my free vr extension

Some clarifications I believe I should make:

  • I have been working on updating the extension still, and have actually silently posted a small update to the file on my ko-fi store recently

  • I only plan to make the early access of the extension paid, it will be released for free when it will be fully finished

  • Although my personal bias is obvious, I would personally recommend not to use the extension above:

    • Even though in its current state, my extension is missing a lot and very sparse in functionality, the extension above is missing even more: it merely provides a single action to enter a scene in VR and nothing more.

    • The extension is just blatantly lying on its page, by for example claiming to provide “VR Button Inputs”, when it, in fact, does not provide such conditions.

    • The extension requires an internet connection to load and run code from a third party server to function

    • The code of the extension is pretty sloppy/naive, can and will break in many common scenarios

    • The extension is very inflexible, by forcing mechanics into your game, like moving the player with the joystick, without giving you a way to control it or do e.g. collision handling etc.

    • The extension creator displays a poor understanding of the VR space, by for example having implemented as only and forced movement method movement by joystick, when it has been common practice to use other methods for years, since that is widely known to be causing heavy motion sickness.


Hey, I really appreciate your comment. You gave me the inspiration to do it. I know it’s not the best and I am still working on it to use better approach but the reason I did this extension Beacuse I saw no update from your extension. Btw three js webxr is not updated like a frame so I choose it instead .i did it using Claude and some of my knowledge and tried my best just to give people option to get into vr dev. Its free and fun::star_struck:

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And for lying on page. I was really excited it was working Beacuse I did find a way to get input from controller like joystick . So I pushed a simple example for free and wrote I will push today better organization. Which includes functions for each thing instead of one bulky function.

I am glad to see lots of enthusiasm in the Gdevelop community to make VR games. Thank you both for working on these extensions, exciting times are ahead!


If that is a reference to THNK, sorry for pressuring you.

Any luck on updates @arthuro555